Introduction to teaching and learning- Pre course

The course provides participants with the opportunity to develop their pedagogical skills and understanding of learning and teaching. The course introduces a variety of teaching and learning activities and aims to stimulate a reflective approach to teaching in order to enhance students’ meaningful learning and active involvement. During the course we will discuss and elaborate on practical issues regarding teaching and learning in different contexts like lectures, seminars, student projects and clinical workplace learning. Participants will engage in Journal Clubs where they will have the opportunity to analyze and discuss different aspects of teaching and learning.

The course will take place over two half-days in conjunction with the Nordic Congress in Clinical Chemistry in September 2024 in Stockholm, in addition to preparatory readings. The course will consist of a combination of lectures, small group discussion, literature studies and reflection in groups. Participants are expected to be active and engaged in the various activities of the course.

Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate confirming their participation and completion of the pedagogy course. The course is primarily aimed at resident MDs in clinical chemistry, but is open to other lab professionals.

Börjar: 2024-09-16
Slutar: 2024-09-17
Mötesplats: Stockholm
Gatuadress: Stockholm