Nordic Coagulation Meeting 2022
Dear Colleagues
It is our pleasure to invite you to the 55th Nordic Coagulation meeting; NordCoag2022 to be held in Reykjavík, Iceland, from August 31st to September 2nd 2022.
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the Tromsö group had to postpone their planned meeting in 2020 but this year they will join forces with the Reykjavik clotters to arrange the 2022 meeting. Together, we hope to be able to provide a program of interest to our Nordic collegues and other guests, reflecting the latest in coagulation research and clinical practice in the Nordic area and elsewhere.
The scientific program will include both thrombosis and bleeding and will be posted on the website as it developes. It will include include seminars both from Tromsö and Reykjavik, satellite symposia and lectures given by 3 guestspeakers from the same tectonic plate as Reykjavik stands on (Sam Schulman from Canada and Daniel M. Witt and Thomas Ortel from the USA)